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FreePads for India

From January 2023 - April 2023, I was doing an internship for FreePads For India. I was looking for a job and I found an Internship online about doing Graphic Design for @FreePads For India. My role is full service designing Instagram posts and reels, including research and planning. I also create memes and submit new creative ideas. I create designs for existing submissions, and join creative sessions with input.

Menstrual Cycle Advice

This was my first Reel.This was to teach the audience about the different hormone cycles and some of the non-menstruators in the audience's life who could learn anything from this reel.

I like to give credit to @CourtneyKeepingBalance

How to have a menstruator-inclusive workspace!

I helped with the layout for this post. It was for creating menstruator-inclusive environments helps to elimate period stigma.

I like to give credit to @crbpaint for making the illustrations

Period Help Apps

I helped with the layout and designs for this post. This was to show the audience what apps they can use to track their period, which can be helpful to understand the patterns in their cycles. Those apps also included a mental health and sports app as these are also key ares of overall well-being.

Father and Daughter

I've done the background design and the Illustrations.

I've done the background design and the Illustrations.

I was offered to make a post for the company and I accept it. It was about a Father and Daughter relationship, she was going through her period and her loving father wanted to help her go through it. It showed that during a woman's time of her period, that can always be someone surportive to help.

Wednesday Memes

While Wednesday was getting popular on Netflix and the show's memes were trending on Instagram. I got the idea of using a collection of well-known Wednesday memes for this post, which would relate to period problems.

Bollywood Actresses about Periods

This was my idea. We needed to think of what posts we can use weekly and I had an idea that Bollywood Actresses can have periods too. I've done some reseach for this post and those actresses are the best ones who came out about their periods.


This was my idea to make another post. I've done some research about Women use ModiBodi's during their periods. I've made the layout for this post.

Plus it is possible to donate ModiBodi's to India. ModiBodi's can be a great way to save the enviroment, money and space.

YOU memes

'YOU' is a popular Netflix series, FPI wanted me to make a couple of memes for a post. I've done some research on the most notable memes and ones that my partner gave me and I made the images into memes. 

OSCAR memes

During the OSCARS week, my partner gave me a short notice assignment for making memes for that are based on the OSCARS, some that are recent such as this years and some that are old,

such as last year's.

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